Community Wellness Program
Community Wellness Gifts
We believe that climate justice means meeting basic needs of those who are most impacted by systems of domination and those who are most embedded in justice-based paths forward. We believe that basic human needs include safety, healing, full-being wellness, and community support in grief and crisis.
We get to co-create the social fabric that will support a climate refuge long-term through building these foundations now, learning together how to weave care networks by adding to the wellness of those in our close and extended communities.
Community Wellness Gifts are one way that we are able to contribute as an organization, in an effort to add capacity and resources to anti-racist and anti-oppression grassroots mutual aid networks. Equally importantly, we honor many modalities of healing and understand that in both crisis and non-crisis times, it is important to give attention to the parts of ourselves that need tending in self- and collective-care.
How it works
CROs establishes relationships with healing practitioners and funds a prepaid account for services. CROs then provide vouchers that individuals can use at any of these service provider locations. Our goal is to allow the choice of services to be as autonomous as possible for people receiving services through this program. Current Wellness Services Offered: Bodywork (massage), herbal support (consultation and purchase of herbal medicines), somatics, and acupuncture.